Lykke til videre, Pedro 💙

I fotballen så er det sånn at folk kommer og går, og nå sier vi dessverre goodbye til Pedro, vår keepertrener. Han har skrevet sitt eget «avskjedsbrev» til oss, der han oppsummerer sin tid her i Ranheim. 🥰


«After 2 years, 10 months, and 13 days at Ranheim Fotball, it is time to say goodbye, as a new chapter closes in order for another one to open.

From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed into a fantastic environment—one where the club is dedicated to developing itself sustainably. Surrounded by passionate and caring people with a huge sense of community and an ambition to improve every single day, it was the perfect environment for personal and professional growth.

I’ve had the privilege of working with a group of absolutely class players who have supported each other and me personally throughout these three unforgettable seasons and a group of people that want the best for the club, doing everything they can to uplift it to be a pillar of this community, in every way possible.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to all of you:
To the people who were instrumental in my arrival and settling down at the Fjæra — thank you, Ivar, Hugo, Tarjei, and the rest of the administration and the "3rd floor" team who welcomed me so warmly. To Frank, Peder, Andreas, Christian, and Monika, your support meant so much and to the Board of the club, a word of both appreciation for the bet they made and also of strength and courage for the times ahead, as the club is growing steadily and safely in your hands.

To the members of the coaching teams I had the pleasure of working with during this period: Hugo, Are, Sander, Jonas in the first year; Kåre, Are again, and Erik in the second year; and in the third year, Kåre (for one last dance), Christian, Pål André, Thomas, Mikke, and Sebastian.

To Synne, Anders, and Sigbjørn, a big thank you for helping me through my recovery. To Jarlfrid for the food, smiles, and hugs, and to Fredrik (our former lagleder), Leif, and Sigbjørn for your help, daily conversations, companionship, and hard work. A special mention to the late and much-missed Roar, whose smiles and positive spirit shine even in adversity. 💙

To Eskil, Christoffer and Peder on the Rekrutt, thank you for your contributions. 
Peder, stepping in during my injury was important for both of us, and I’m grateful for your effort and dedication.

To all the volunteers around the club for their sterling work, to Forza Ranheim for unwavering support through thick and thin, and to Eva, Robert, and Ivar—thank you. Ivar, I’ll never forget that airport ride on March 12th, 2022; my Ranheim journey started with you.

Now, to the most important people in the club: the Players. Without you, there is no show on the pitch. Ranheim has an incredible blend of youth with its natural irreverence, ambition, and eagerness to learn, balanced perfectly by the discipline, experience, and culture that comes with age. This creates a fantastic environment for personal and collective development, and it’s been a privilege to be a part of it, with the players that are here but also the ones that passed through this lockeroom. I truly appreciate all of you, I gave my all to you.

Last, but never least, the Goalkeepers. To Erland, Magnus, Nicklas, Franco, Simen, and Tor—and to those who came briefly or occasionally during the process (Edvard for a brief period, Bendik, Jonas, Leo through the Rekrutt, and the hospitants who were kind enough to join us for some fun)—and to the youth goalkeepers Alex and Konrad, thank you. It was a hell of a ride, with ups and downs, as it should be, because development is never linear. I only hope that, during this period, I was able to make a impact and made you a little better — not just as goalkeepers but as men. Because, in the end, that’s what Ranheim is: a development arena for people who want to grow and excel.

The pleasure, honor, and privilege were all mine.

Takk for alt, Ranheim.» - Love Pedro 💙

Tusen takk for et nydelig «avskjedsbrev» Pedro. Vi kommer til Ã¥ savne deg pÃ¥ stadion og vi ønsker deg masse lykke til videre! 


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